Lifelong learning is not limited space of time and distance, in this decade we recognize the existence of E-Learning Education, or learning to use electronic media. With the launch of our simplicity and limitations, PKBM Argowilis Village Sokawera District Cilongok Banyumas regency of Central Java province, to try learning with E-Learning Education. This we do learn that all citizens can obtain PKBM Argowilis study guide in softcopy. So that residents learn to learn independently obtain the services of e-learning this. For the initial phase of the trial or the service we already have in the radio broadcast 87.5 MHz Radio RP2M Education and Community Empowerment, and is now trying to crawl to the Internet Information Technologi form. With hope and praying childhood village in the hope that our dream to provide a decent education for all sections of the community immediately realized.
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1. Computer Materials
module 10-finger typing technique
techniques to identify the computer module
Module Periferal
Software modules to work with Word
The processing module software work
Module Presentation Software
Software Processing Module Database
Internet Connection Guide module, and Working With Internet
Managing Information Module